Alive Oils Fresh Bloom - An invigorating blend to improve emotions, lift depression, tiredness, nervousness, negative emotion, hypersensitivity, ADHD and stress.


Floral, spicy, citrus, and fresh for nerves, energy and emotional equilibrium

Fresh Bloom is an invigorating blend of pure essential oils to brighten and focus the mind. It calms depression, stress, tiredness, nerves, and is incredibly calming for hypersensitivity, negative emotion, and ADHD. The fresh citrus aroma and slight aniseed notes are fresh and invigorating for the mind and body.

Fresh Bloom invigorates emotional attitude and is excellent for nerves. It has a calming action on the mind that causes lightheartedness and an energised mind. The beautiful aroma smells of citrus blossoms mingled with aniseed, and when diffused into the air calms negative emotion to improve a light, bright mind.

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Shop Fresh Bloom here. Get the Precautions for the base oils and pure essential oils. 


SWEET ALMOND OIL Prunus dulcis

Sweet Almond Oil is rich in vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium, and zinc to improve skin tone and makes dull skin glow.  


ANISEED – Pimpinella anisum

Aniseed is a calming oil for nervous people or those with anxiety, and stress. It is very calming to the mind and body. 

BASIL – Ocimum basilicum

Basil is an energising oil for the mind and body. It has a positive energy that invigorates lethargy and imparts energy. The sweet fresh aroma improves attention span and energises fatigue. Basil energises the brain and clears the mind for a calm, clear, focused mind. 

BERGAMOT – Citrus bergamia

The aroma is a fresh, light, floral spice with citrus notes. Bergamot calms stress, anxiety, depression and cools blood pressure and the heart.

LEMON VERBENA – Aloysia citriodora

Lemon Verbena essential oil is invigorating and excellent for uplifting the mind and senses with its fresh lemon-green aroma. It energises the mind to improve focus and clear thinking. This oil is excellent for alertness and for an uplifted emotional equilibrium, also calming stress. Lemon Verbena is an excellent anti-depressant.

ORANGE BIGARADE – Citrus aurantium bigaradia

A cool, calming essential oil for the nervous system. Orange Bigarade improves hormone production and adrenaline in the blood.  It is also a stimulant of the lymphatic and circulatory systems.     

PALMAROSA – Cymbopogon martinii

Palmarosa has a soft, sweet, floral rose aroma with herbs and lemon strewn in between. It is an excellent relaxant of muscles and nerves. Palmarosa improves depression, fatigue, anxiety, and nerves. It is positively uplifting.  

ROSEWOOD – Aniba rosaeodora

The softest rose smell and so calming for anxiety, stress, and nerves. Rosewood is most effective when diffused into the air for its soft aroma and uplifting actions to calm the mind.

TANGERINE – Citrus Reticulata

This citrus oil is delightful, uplifting and invigorating.  Tangerine essential oil calms anxiety, stress and has a positive effect on the human nervous system.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.